Sunday, September 23, 2007

Phonics Rule!!

Aidan recently started Jolly Phonics in school and since then, he's taken a great interest in learning how to write words. I am so excited. He's never really been very interested. Next stop...reading!!!
Anyway, on Saturday, he sat down with a pencil and paper and said he was going to do some writing. He asked for my assistance, but I said I would only help him break down the words into sounds, because its better for him to learn on his own.
Here's what he wrote:
I lv u.
I lv mom.
skol (school)
tres (trees)
dg (dog)
kt (cat)
kfe (coffee)
fsh (fish)
snak (snake)
zbra (zebra)

How awesome!!

Since then, he's been writing all weekend. I took advantage of it and dusted off a workbook I had and had him work on writing some numbers, as well.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Quest for a new toy...

Humor me.
I am on a mission to prove that I deserve and will utilize a good camera. I want a DSLR. Bad. So I've been playing with ours to try and prove myself to C.


And they're off...

Twice a week, for 2.5 hours, all 3 of my kids are in school. Wow. That's just so weird.
I can't believe that my babies are in preschool. It seems like just yesterday, they were these tiny little 3 pound babies that were smaller than my boobs!

1 year old!

and then they were 2!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

One Down, Two To Go...

My baby went back to school today. What a long day for him. It surprises me that they have them go for only 2.5 hrs their first year, but then year two.....WHAM! 7 long hours. That's a big adjustment. He did really well, though.
We started our morning off with a very talkative Aidan. So excited, telling us how excited he was. He had his breakfast of choice: scrambled eggs and toast, and chose what he wanted for his first school lunch (turkey on a bagel, tomatoes, grapes, applesauce, water. I stuck some whole grain cheetos in there as a treat, but surprisingly, they came home. I guess the lunch was a wee bit big for a small boy.) He was excited and chatty his whole way to school and then we got on the playground and he clammed up. I don't blame him. We got to follow them into class and sit down on the rug and hear a story called The Kissing Hand.
He seemed AOK when it was time to leave. A little reserved, but good.
It was so weird to not have to race back at 11:10 to pick him up. And even more strange to have complete silence at naptime and no one to talk to or play with.
We went back at 3:20 to pick him up and he was so excited to see us and even offered up information about his day: they had PE and Art. They took a tour of the school to see the rooms where specials are and the cafeteria. They had a snack and he didn't eat it. There was a classmate who "made some bad choices and spent a lot of time in the office." Funny how that sticks out. And he also told me about all the rules and about how they have a counting rhyme to tell you how long you get at the water fountain when you get a drink.
We ended the day with a celebration dinner - outdoor dining at a local Mexican place. Yum.
He's excited for tomorrow, so it must have been as good as he's saying.