Monday, November 05, 2007

All About Aidan

Aidan still loves his phonics. And he loooooooves talking. Certainly didn't get that from his mama. Boy wakes up talking....literally. One night, I spent the night in the bottom bunk when there was a thunderstorm and each boy needed a parent. In the morning, I was woken up by the sound of Aidan's voice. He was doing his warmups, apparently. Practicing all of his phonetic sounds. Got to get that voice box in shape for all that chatting he'll do all. day. long.

We got his report card today. I was VERY pleased :) Our conference is on Friday, so I am excited to hear and talk more about it.

Aid started basketball today. I didn't take him --daddy did-- but he said that it was so much fun to watch him. That he's come so far since last year's soccer camp. I'd have to say the same about swimming. We've held off on swim lessons for him for about 2 years now, because it was such a struggle (despite him having been in them since he was 6 mos). He's finally confident in the pool and wants to and is excited to take swim lessons next session. My boy is growing up!!

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