Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wanna Skate?

Miss N asked for a rollerskating party for her 7th birthday. What a blast from the past!!! I tried hard, but I could not find rollerskate or 80's themed party goods. So I went a different direction and did Tiffany & Co. Although the party favors included a coloring book that included 80's themed cartoon coloring pages --boy ones for the boys (like He-Man, Dukes of Hazzard, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Fraggle Rock, etc) and girl ones for the girls (like Rainbow Brite, Fraggle Rock, Smurfette, etc). You'll notice the picture on the coloring book cover page. My initial thought was, "oh! I will find smelly stickers!..." Yeah. Not so much. They are like, $1.75 or more per sticker. And they no longer make them. Why?? Why discontinue such a good thing?? Can we start a movement to bring them back? Why deprive our kids of these cool things!! Anyone? Heather, I know you you have to be with me on this....
Anyway....the party was fun. I think the girls all had fun, despite all the falling down!

laughing while skating

Does anyone remember that scratch-and-sniff sticker? I think it smelled like leather!

1 comment:

heather said...

Awh Karri, you shoud have asked me! I was looking for them awhile back and a friend gave me a couple sources!

the party looks fabulous!!!